organization history & objectives

Welcome to Camp Outpost Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit outdoor outfitter, where we bring over a decade of outdoor adventure experience to serve the community. Inspired by the work at Neighborhood Offshore Board Shop (, we've been at the forefront of creating opportunities for Nebraskans to connect with their local environment through outdoor recreation. Our legacy includes leading outdoor classes, hosting summer camps, and delivering extensive outdoor education. Over time, we've recognized the growing need to adapt and better serve underrepresented communities in the outdoor recreation sector.

Camp Outpost Inc. is our response to this need.

ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVE: Increase Participation in Outdoor Recreation Activities

ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVE: Create a More Inclusive and Diverse Outdoor Community

Our mission is to increase outdoor recreation participation across Nebraska, prioritizing representation and inclusivity for marginalized communities, individuals with disabilities, advancement of women and girls, and those aged 55 and above.

Historically, outdoor recreation has often been inaccessible or unwelcoming to marginalized communities, individuals with disabilities, women and girls, and older adults. These groups face various barriers such as lack of access to adaptive equipment, limited representation in outdoor spaces, and societal norms that may discourage their participation.

By targeting these specific demographics, we seek to address these disparities and provide tailored opportunities for engagement. For marginalized communities, our programs offer pathways to outdoor activities that may have previously felt out of reach. We aim to break down financial, geographical, and cultural barriers by providing accessible programming and creating a welcoming environment.

Individuals with disabilities benefit from adaptive equipment and specialized instruction that enable them to participate fully in outdoor skills development and recreational activities. This not only enhances physical and mental well-being but also promotes inclusivity within outdoor spaces that are often designed without considering diverse needs.

Advancing women and girls in outdoor recreation is another critical aspect addressed by our programs. By offering specific clinics and workshops tailored to their interests and needs, our programs empower them to develop confidence, leadership skills, and a sense of belonging in outdoor environments traditionally dominated by men.

For people aged 55 and older, our programs promote active aging by providing opportunities for continued learning, social interaction, and physical activity outdoors. This demographic often faces isolation and limited access to recreational opportunities, making the program particularly valuable in enhancing their quality of life and community engagement.

We aim to create a more equitable outdoor community by addressing specific barriers and promoting representation, empowerment, and inclusivity across diverse demographics. Through these efforts, we hope to not only enrich individual lives but also strengthens community cohesion and appreciation for outdoor spaces among all participants.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and Non-Discrimination Policy

At Camp Outpost Inc., our unwavering commitment is to be a catalyst for change in the outdoor recreation industry by championing inclusivity and accessibility in the great outdoors. We believe that the beauty of nature should be accessible to all, regardless of background, ability, or circumstance. To uphold these principles and create an environment where everyone can thrive, we have established this Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and Non-Discrimination Policy.

Our Commitment


We are dedicated to expanding outdoor recreation participation among underrepresented populations. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds and identities to experience the wonders of the outdoors with us.


We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all participants. Our programs, facilities, and services are designed to accommodate diverse abilities, ensuring that everyone can fully engage in our outdoor experiences.


Camp Outpost Inc. does not tolerate discrimination of any kind, including but not limited to discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or any other protected status. Discrimination in any form will not be tolerated within our organization.

Our Actions

Inclusive Programming

We offer tailored programs and adventures that are accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those with physical or mental disabilities. Our goal is to provide a welcoming and empowering outdoor experience for all participants.

Training and Education

Our staff and volunteers undergo training to ensure they understand and embrace the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We continuously strive to enhance our cultural competence and create a respectful and inclusive environment.

Community Engagement

We actively collaborate with communities, local organizations, and partners to promote diversity and inclusion in outdoor recreation. We seek to create lasting connections between people and nature.

Reporting and Accountability

Any incidents or concerns related to discrimination or violations of this policy should be reported to the Executive Director and/or designated DEIA coordinator. We are committed to addressing and rectifying such matters promptly and transparently.

Camp Outpost Inc. believes that diversity, equity, and inclusion are fundamental values that enrich our organization and contribute to a more accessible and inclusive outdoor industry.